Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lessons in Patience

Lord folks, what a beautiful Sunday! Last night I had a dream I could eat my own pussy. I was on mushrooms last night and I wish my dreams were always that strange. I feel like they are normally wasted on what my friend S Bo terms as 'day residue', and I never gain the pleasure of deciphering them or understanding them because they are even surprisingly monotonous considering the everyday I experience is not.

Now onward; two nights of mayhem were survived. I had a lot of introspection on my trip last night. Lately, mushrooms and I have not been the happiest of bedfellows. The dark corners of my brain have been getting the better of me. Last night I tripped with a lot of people, and it was a big overload. I lost my ability to talk for several hours, and could not find the words to explain. It was a real witching night, with pink skies and wizard clouds, so we Sasha read out tarot cards and we all discovered out separate destinies. There is a male figure with great power in my life who can give me a lot that I must decide about (it may have been more detailed than this but at the time she told me she had three sets of eyes so I missed a little, I'll admit).

With my fortune freshly read, and the dark dust in my head swept again back to the dusty spider-dwelling corners of my brain, I enter a week-long work period entirely free of debauchery and any unadvisable substances, including alcohol. Time flies toward my jet set fantastical San Francisco exploration but before then I must needs bite the bullet in order to survive, relieve myself of the overdue fulfilling checked boxes and tasks.

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